بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2014

خدمات التسويق الإلكتروني الاحترافية بالشركة العربية للتسويق

خدمة التسويق الالكتروني بالفيديو     Video Marketing.  

تسويق إلكتروني عبر أدلة المواقع والفهارس.
تسويق الكتروني في المنتديات العامة والمتخصصة. 
التسويق الإلكتروني باعلانات جوجل آدورد المدفوعة. 
التسويق الإلكتروني بجوجل أدورد. 
التسويق الالكتروني باعلانات فيس بوك المدفوعة.
التسويق الالكتروني من خلال تعليقات المدونات.
التسويق الإلكتروني المقالات التسويقية. 
التسويق الالكتروني في مواقع الإعلانات المبوبة والمجلات الإلكترونية. 
التسويق الالكتروني عبر حملات البريد الإلكتروني . 
التسويق الالكتروني عن طريق رسائل المحمول [SMS Marketing].
التسويق الإلكتروني بالجروبات.
التسويق الإلكتروني بطرق أخرى كثيرة
Arabic co. for marketing & e-commerce:
Provide professional e-marketing services , integrated marketing and advertising solutions.
Full marketing administration for your products on internet:
We aim to get customer and success of his brand. Full advertising and publishing on the internet.
·        We provide you with everything to devote only for managing your business.
·        We care about  sending customers for you. And also….
·        We provide you with all e-marketing services that help you advertise your product or your service.
·        We use all marketing means that make us achieve the desired aim.
·        Work in e-marketing for all products and services with no limits.
·        Working on Web sites publicity ,making it global through dealing with different cultures.
·        We have consultants and experts in all marketing fields ,they are leaders in e-marketing service .
Plan for full e-marketing management of your service:
First: search engine optimization (seo):
Increase archiving, issued the search results, increase visitors, unlimited traffic, raising PR,
 Full site optimization , link with Google analysis ,increase PR of Google aiming to lead the co. site to the first search engine page ,getting more customers of searchers and targeted customers.
Performance as follows:
·        -Creating sitemap and required indexing for the site.
·        -Adding meta tag
·        -Adding description
·        -Adding keywords
·        -Increase intensity of  the site keywords
·        -Search engine optimization.
·        -Adding site for public search engines.
·        -Linking your site with webmaster tools which helps in fast optimization ,strong archiving and high rank .
·        -Linking your site with Google analytics for getting full , and true analysis .
·        -Linking your site with feed burner service, that helps getting new visitors.
Second: e- marketing through website dictionaries and indexes:
Technical procedures and marketing services for your success,
e- marketing through website dictionaries and indexes helps in :
·        Visitors of these dictionaries can see brief of your site that helps in turning the visitor to target customer.
·        Allow fast appearance for your product on Google.
·        Increase external links which called "back links" that help good ranking and PR.
·        Dictionaries put your site link, brief, pic. Of your site.
Business plan is:
-Continuous posting in 300 dictionaries and index weekly for one month
- linking the dictionary with the site through domain & description.
- adding marketing description ,and keywords for every dictionary.
- adding e-mail , site name ,and administrator .
Third: Social Media Marketing:
Integrated social Advertising services.
·        Facebook:
Innovative ideas for social success
You can use Facebook in business and marketing through posting products or services photos, videos or links on your page , also you can add your info for contact. Like phone , e-mail address ,or website, etc.
Companies use Facebook in business and marketing .
Marketing her business in creative manner , as Facebook pages are the most important means of marketing ,you can contact your customers faster ,easier , and with low cost .
*Facebook Advertising campaign objectives are:
- determine goals, plans your company will follow , and create campaign according to it.
- combine targeting and creativity.
- use text and photos which has high popularity.
- create advertises that are targeted with short brief, to be in touch directly with your targeted customers.
- highlight any special offers or unique characteristics that characterize you of competitors.
- Selecting demographic file for any target audience.
- create and examine many types of advertises to reach the most professional and characterized one.
- optimize the ad. For the best benefit of visitors and turning them into customers.
- proliferation .. Publish your website or service to millions via Facebook.
- Targeting .. Not just any visitor, but select the type, country and sex of your visitor
- Statistics .. detailed Daily and weekly reports for your advertising campaign.
Fitness and genius for your commercial success, personal customization for your brand.
-looking for your customers and turn them to targeted buyers for your service or product.
- publish your services in the most public Arabic and global hash tag using scientific strategy.
- create hash tag for your brand.
- do twits and publish in famous twitter accounts of famous persons, globally known.
- Activate the innovative competitions strategy to spread your brand to target your audience and your visitors.
- Activate the service of draw attention and community interaction, which helps in spreading your brand, products and services offered by your company.
- activate the genus technology, positive responses which helps in getting your audience nomination quicker than before.
- using mental humility technique, that we make contact with followers discussing services quality, specifications, warranty, customer service, and compare price breaking defects that customers see in your company. That helps in turning them to real followers and customers.
- distinctive attention with your service, product`s followers and access to them professionally and with wonderful technology we to turn them into targeted customers.
- adding characterized marketing tweets about your service or product.
- the actual get rid off non-targeted persons.
- using scientific and marketing research in getting of targeted customers.
- using smart applications with many creative ideas in spreading your brand.
- choose the suitable time for posting tweets ,to get the best from followers and targeted audience .
- create creative marketing ideas in publishing your service or product.
- using twitter as professional marketing channel for your service. 
3- Google plus:
Cluster bomb to the success of your business
·        good setup to profile on Google Plus
·        adding marketing photos ,making specific tag for it.
·        Adding description and keywords that help in archiving and fast appearance on first page of google.
·        using circles in differentiate between customers,suppliers and employees.
·        Adding marketing videos ,and publishing it.
·        Adding +1 button ,that help site publication.  
·        Effective dynamic communication by asking questions and events that can be identified in marketing ways which helps bring in new customers for your business.
4 – YouTube:
Rocket for reaching the first page of google.
·        Optimize every video for search engine by adding description and kkeywords.
·        Adding marketing description for the channel.
·        Linking the channel with facebook account.
·        Linking the channel with your forum.
·        Increasing watchers, subscribers, likes for every video.
·        Full analytic report every week.
·        Creating professional marketing video as marketing intro for the channel.
·        Supply channel with 300 visitors daily.
·        Supply channel with 300 subscribers weekly.
·        Supply channel with 5000 watching weekly.
Forth: e-marketing using marketing articles "reviews":
Effective marketing techniques, making your site a brand.
·        Marketing articles helps create value, trust and interaction with the customer and then he will buy the product or use the service simpler and faster.
·        It also increases your site's ranking in search engines.
·        marketing articles are effective technique enables you to promote your products or services effectively and distinctively.
·        marketing articles are the most important e-marketing techniques, classified as one of the effective advertising strategies.
·        E-marketing with marketing articles helps in attracting visitors to your site.
·        Marketing articles attract visitors to your site.
·        Will edit the existing articles on the site ,turning it into marketing articles attractive for search engine and customer as well.
·        Adding marketing articles ,help in attracting new customers ,and continuous archiving for the site.
Fifth: creating pre-paid Google AdWords campaign or pre-paid facebook ad campaign.
Customers who you are looking for them, they are looking for you on Google.
·        We chose Google advertising program, and made it our specialty because of all the great advantages of it, which are as follows:
·        Cost per click option "cpc" ,and so you pay for clicks you have received only, you can Select the maximum cost-per-click from one cent to100 U.S. $ or equivalent in local currency and more.
·        cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) , for persons who prefer a wider and better promote for their brand.
·        a daily budget you set, starting from  5$.
·        Create and manage targeted ad.
·        Ad Scheduling: Show ads in the days or hours that you want.
·        There are reports of performance sent you monthly or yearly according to subscription, sent to your e-mail.
·        Advertising through Google mutual network to increase the range of display advertising.
·        Advertising single or multiple ads targeting one keyword or more.
·        Identify the geographical area in which you want your ad to appear.
·        Google AdWords is a typical marketing tool for all small, medium-sized and large companies, whether to increase the sales volume or to publicize their products or services to the all internet users whether they are researchers or browsing Internet sites.
Sixth : e-marketing via blogs:
Publicize your brand.
·        Installation of a template "theme" that is chosen commensurate with the content of the site and support its content continuously any renewal.
·        Liking the blog with all social sites.
·        Linking blog with feeds service "rss"
·        Optimize and archive Blog to appear as a main portfolio for your services as an official site, or better.
·        Search engine optimization "SEO"
·        Adding blog for public search engine.
·        Adding blog title, description, and keywords.
·        Index the blog, follow up, continues and renewal publicize.
 That helps in:
·        Communication with other companies and experts.
·        Build relationships with current and potential customers.
·        Increase sales.
·        Show marketing messages and promotions
·        Learn more about customer orientation.
Seventh: e-marketing via forums:
Strategies to get real customers.
-  Marketing through forums is a powerful strategy that enables you to get visitors interested in your site.
- Of course the idea of ​​forums is not familiar to all, because forum is a site for the exchange of the opinion between people on the Internet by posting a topic, and the exchange of views and discussion through comments on this subject.
- It's like chat rooms, except that discussions are archived and displayed to all visitors, both subscribers and non-subscribers.
- This means the possibility of displaying it many times on Google search results.
- Messages and replies have permanent links refer to our sites and this is of course the most important for us.
- Now you can actually request a forum marketing services for your site and get the finest, targeted audience and better archiving and back links.
- There are hundreds of huge forums on the Internet, covering all topics, so it is not difficult to find many specialized forums that serve your goal and help to market your products, and be the master slide to attract a targeted audience and turn them into real customers.
- the power of forums as a source of visitors come from the fact that this traffic often very specific, very targeted in a certain segment.
The main goal is:
·        Publishing in wide range to attract a targeted audience and turn it into a client and increase the back Link for the site, which helps in getting the largest number of customers.
Eighth: e-marketing via classifieds & e-magazines.
Marketing publicity for your services and products.
·        provide e-marketing services for individuals , companies and all service providers.
·        In many e-magazines sites.
·        In many classifieds sites.
·        Selecting a distinctive marketing description of the title attracts the visitor.
·        Write distinctive description for the service on classifieds sites and e-magazines.
·        Adding your service in the right category.
·        Adding your contact details that help visitor contact you for getting the service.
·        Through posting distinctive marketing message in addition to designing required images for the message and like it with keywords.
·        Add your services and products in the largest Classifieds site in the Arab world.   
·        Full detailed editing for your service and product in the classified sites including (title, description, keywords, links, contact info, banners).
·        Achieving through the ad strong chances of success and achieving the objective of the publication of the ad.
·        Choosing the right category for your ad ,helps in good archiving and SEO.
·        Choosing clear sentences, express your ad in a right manner that increases the chance of customer arrival through search engine.

نصائح متنوعة لربح أموالا طائلة من خلال خدمات غوغل الاعلانية

نصائح متنوعة لربح أموالا طائلة من خلال خدمات غوغل الاعلانية

تزداد اهمية العمل وكسب الأموال عبر الانترنت مع تقدم الأيام والتقنيات في عالمنا العربي. ولا يخفى على أحد ان خدمة الاعلانات من غوغل تلقى رواجا كبيرا. لذلك نقدم لك نصائح تتمثل باقتراح مواقع متنوعة تتيح لك الحصول على أموال بفضل خدمة غوغل الاعلانية " Google Adsence".
1- مواقع الخدمات هذا النوع من المواقع يعتمد على مجال معين من الخدمات على سبيل المثال تقديم اسعار الذهب او اسعار العملات او تقديم اي خدمة معينة فهناك العديد من الخدمات التي يمكن تقديمها في أي موقع.
 فهذا النوع من المواقع يعتمد بشكل كبير على محركات البحث فى جلب الزوار تقريبا 80% من زائري الموقع يأتون من محركات البحث ومع زيادة عدد الزائرين الى موقعك قد يرون العديد من الاعلانات غير ملائمة لاهتماماتهم لضعف محتوى الموقع لذا عليك الاستمرار يوميا في تتبع الاعلانات الخاصة بموقعك والتأكد ان جميع الاعلانات المتواجدة هي سليمة تماما وعند الضغط عليها يتم التحويل الى محتوى الاعلان لضمان ربح الاموال.
2- المواقع المتخصصة هذا النوع من المواقع يتم انشاؤه لوجود خبرة معينة عند الشخص في مجال معين فيقدم من خلاله بعض الخدمات التي تحمل خبراته على سبيل المثال مهارات الكتابة او الطبخ او ماشابه ذلك.
 وهذا النوع من المواقع يحتاج الى تنشيط مستمر للمحتوى لأن خدمات اعلانات جوجل تهتم كثيرا بمحتوى الموقع. ويذكر ان الشيء الجيد في المواقع المتخصصة هو دخل الاعلانات حيث في هذه المواقع الدخل الذي ستحصل عليه من الضغط على 10 اعلانات هو نفس الدخل الذي ستحصل عليه من الضغط على 50 اعلان في مواقع الخدمات لذا عليك الاهتمام جيدا بمحتوى الموقع.
3- المواقع المنوعة تعتبر شركة غوغل دائما ان محتوى الموقع هو ملك الربح من الاعلانات، وهذا النوع من المواقع هو الافضل بالنسبة لربح الاعلانات حيث تسجل هذه المواقع أكبر عدد من الزائرين بسبب المعلومات والخدمات المنوعة التي تقدمها.
لذا اذا كنت تريد ربحا كبيرا من أموال الاعلانات حاول في المقام الاول وضع محتوى جيد جدا لجذب أكبر عدد من الزوار وبذلك ستحصل على المزيد من الاموال من الاعلانات.
4- المواقع المهيئة للخدمات  هذا النوع من المواقع هو المسيطر تقريبا على محركات البحث لأنه يحمل كلمات دليلية معينة عند البحث عنها يتم التحويل الى هذه المواقع.
فعلى سبيل المثال المواقع التي تقدم روابط للتحميل من مواقع اخرى ومواقع الاخبار الكبيرة المتخصصة في مجالها فقط هي المسيطرة على محركات البحث عندما تحصل على موقع مهيء للخدمات جيد ذو محتوى رائع سيكون أمامك العديد من الطرق لربح الاموال عبر خدمات جوجل الاعلانية.
5- المنتديات  لا تزال المنتديات هي هدف العديد من الاشخاص على الانترنت للحصول على خدمات لا حدود لها في جميع المجالات وخاصة عند تحميل البرامج او تحميل اي شيء.
 فالمنتديات الشهيرة يصبح لديها عدد كبير جدا من الزائرين وجودة المحتوى يلعب الدور الاساسي في عدد الزائرين الراغبين في هذه الخدمات.
 فالمنتدى يحتاج الى قيادة جيدة ومشرفين نشطين دائما لأنه عند الادارة الخاطئة قد تتسسب في حظر غوغل لحساب Google Adsencse الخاص بك وكذلك تحتاج الى درجة أمان عالية لحماية محتوى المنتدى من الانتهاكات والتجاوزات عند الحصول على كل ذلك ستتمكن من الحصول على كم كبير من الاعلانات وسيترجم الزوار هذه الاعلانات الى ارباح هائلة لك.